Isaiah Gregory, Esq.
Atlanta, GA
United States
license: 677564
Arrested? Have a Warrant? Falsely Accused? We're experts in criminal defense. We represent defendants across the state of Georgia, and will come to your location on request. Call or Text Attorney Isaiah Gregory 24/7/365 at (404) 328-7818
Isaiah Gregory is a private defense attorney with a proven record of dismissals across Georgia state and superior courts. If the government's going after you, we will help: (404) 328-7818.
Need Free Legal Advice? Need a Payment Plan? Need to Discuss Your Options? Or perhaps, Need a Quick Quote??? CALL/TEXT the attorney at 404.328.7818 or Visit Our Website
When you call, we'll talk about your case, provide you a flat-fee fee payment plan, and start fighting the charges.
24/7/365 including holidays -- Isaiah's on-call at (404) 328-7818.
About Isaiah Gregory: A skilled criminal defense lawyer, Isaiah handles all criminal pretrial matters, including negotiated dismissal, alternatives-to-incarceration, arraignments and bail hearings, recent arrests, warrant matters. A skilled negotiator, Isaiah focuses on dismissing criminal cases before they reach a jury. In those rare cases where a trial is imminent, Isaiah has a proven record of acquittals before juries: See Isaiah's recent notable trial results: