Looking for the Best Childcare Program?

Bilingual Learning Center
Palmdale, CA
United States

OPEN enrollment for our New Preschool Program 2023-2024

Bilingual Learning Center
"Where your child learns through Play"
Located at 3755 East Avenue Q12, Palmdale CA 93550 ( Close to 40th Street and Ave R)
-My program meets our state's highest health and safety standards to help ensure your child's safety.
-I offer a variety of planned learning and play activities that will help your child be ready to succeed
academically and socially in school.
-I have specialized training in child development, so I can respond quickly to your child's needs.
-I have a backup assistant who can provider care if I ever take a vacation, so you wont miss work.
-I offer a preschool program in Spanish/ English so your child will be ready for kindergarten.
-Open all year around

Palmdale CA
Virtual tour here https://youtu.be/GZ3btSJcViE?si=G677_n2J86FCIa0C
If you are ready to enroll your child, give us a call at 661-998-5437